Hours of Operation and Appointment Drop-off & Pick-up

  • Country Canine Dog Day Camp is open by appointment only.  We are currently taking new camper appointments for Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

  • Drop-off and Pick-up times must be scheduled in advance.  In order to facilitate the best care for our campers, it is preferred that drop-off times are between the hours of 7am-9am and pick-up times are between 3pm-6pm.

  • Dogs should be picked up by 6pm unless prior arrangements have been made.  Late pick-ups without prior arrangement will incur an additional fee of $5.00 per 15 minutes.  Late fee is due at the time of pick-up.

  • Pick-ups are not available after 7:00pm.  Your dog will be boarded overnight at Country Canine.  A boarding fee is $50.00 in addition to day camp fees and is due at the time of pick-up.

  • If a dog is left with Country Canine for longer than 10 days after their scheduled pick-up with no contact, the dog will be consider abandoned. After the 10 day hold period the dog will be transferred to Companions Animal Shelter for adoption. If Country Canine is able to contact the owner within the 10-day time period, the owner will be financially responsible for any additional lodging fees associated with the dog’s extended stay.

  • Holiday and vacation schedules will be posted as far in advance as possible.

  • Grooming at Country Canine is by appointment only for existing clients. We are currently only accepting new clients for full grooming appointments on a limited basis.  Nail trim appointments will be accepted.  Existing clients that go longer than 12 weeks between grooming appointments will not be eligible to book a new appointment.

  • We understand how busy lives can get and how valuable your time is to you.  If, for any reason, we are not able to make our scheduled appointment, we will call to let you know.  We would appreciate the same consideration.  If at all possible, please call at least 24 hours in advance to cancel your appointment.  If you fail to give notification, please be advised that you may be required to pre-pay before another appointment will be scheduled. 

  • Please be on time for your appointment.  If you are more than 15 minutes late, we may need to reschedule your appointment and a rebooking fee may apply.

Country Canine accepts cash, checks, debit or credit cards in payment
Day Camp fee (per dog) - $30.00/day
12 Day Pass - $300.00
Nail Trim - $10.00
Field Play - $5.00
Walk - $5.00

  • All fees are due at the time of service.  Unpaid fees will accrue the maximum allowable interest.

  • Returned check fee is $25.00.  If an account must go to collections, the client is responsible for paying for all necessary collection and legal fees.

  • There is no charge for giving medications or feeding puppies or special needs dogs.  Please alert Country Canine to your dog’s needs.

  • Owners are responsible for all veterinary fees related to their own pet. 

Camper Age, Health & Temperament Eligibility

  • All dogs must pass a Temperament Evaluation prior to acceptance. Country Canine will not knowingly admit any obviously aggressive or extremely fearful dogs into Day Camp.

  • Puppies must be at least 12 weeks of age and have completed at least two sets of puppy vaccinations or have titer test results showing protective levels for Distemper and Parvo.

  • All dogs older than 7 months participating in group play must be spayed or neutered. 

  • Dogs must be non-aggressive to people and other dogs.

  • Dogs must have proof of vaccinations on file prior to their first day of attendance.  Required vaccinations are Rabies, Distemper and Parvo.  Bordatella is an optional vaccine at this time.  Rabies is not required for puppies younger than 6 months of age.  Country Canine suggests that you follow your veterinarian’s protocol for vaccinations.  Titer results and Do-Not-Vaccinate letters from a veterinarian are acceptable in lieu of vaccination records.

  • Dogs must be flea and tick free.  If any dog is found to have external parasites, Country Canine will bathe the dog at the owner’s expense and the dog will be sent home.

  • Our campers’ safety and comfort are our primary concerns.  Owners are responsible for advising us of any allergies, sensitivities, or pre-existing medical conditions so we can avoid aggravating these situations.  Any dog that shows signs of illness will be quarantined and the owner will be called to come pick up their dog.  Pets with communicable diseases will not be eligible to return to Day Camp until 14 days after their last symptom, treatment is completed and they have been released in writing by a veterinarian.

Leashes, Collars & Pottying

  • For everyone's safety, please ALWAYS have your dog on a leash while on the property.  The best accidents are those that are prevented.

  • All dogs should wear a properly fitted collar or harness at all times.

  • There is a designated potty area for dogs to do their business.  Please make use of this area before bringing your dog in for day camp or grooming.  This will help alleviate accidents and keep our indoor facilities clean.


  • Dogs must be non-aggressive toward people and other dogs.

  • Personality conflicts sometimes happen between dogs in group play. We will do our best to separate two dogs that cannot be together in the same play area. This may include asking dogs to attend day camp on separate days. Both owners will be consulted prior to scheduling attendance in this manner.

  • Dogs that hurt, intimidate or otherwise cause conflict with other dogs in group play will be put in time out for an appropriate time. If the infraction is serious enough, the dog may be separated from group play for the remainder of the day. If separated, the dog will still be allowed outside at regular intervals and will be given human interaction as an alternative to group play.

  • Aggression-related events will be recorded and tracked. Continuing or escalating patterns of aggression will result in the owner being required to attend training sessions or obedience classes with their dog. Attendance at Country Canine will be conditional until proof of completion of an appropriate obedience class is supplied.

  • Dogs that cause serious harm to others will be immediately expelled. It is the prerogative of Country Canine and no other party whether or not to dismiss a dog for any reason.

  • Dogs that are nuisance barkers may be removed from group play. If the barking continues to be a problem, Country Canine may choose to have the owner remove the dog from Day Camp.

  • Any dog that exhibits behavior that subjects staff members or the dog to risk of injury will be charged a handling fee of $10.00 and up.

  • Country Canine reserves the right to refuse or cease service at any time before or during the dog’s stay if the dog's behavior puts the staff or dog's safety at risk. 

Group Play

  • Dogs that are eligible for group play will be placed in groups of no more than 5 dogs based on size, activity level and play style. 

  • Reservations for group play must be made in advance and attendance requires confirmation prior to arrival.

Non-Employees in the Play Areas  

  • Some dogs have a very strong prey drive; running children may be viewed in that manner by a dog that has little or no experience with children. For this reason, we do not allow children to enter the dog play areas. 

  • Adults that are strangers to the dogs may cause overexcitement, which could lead to conflict. Please do not enter the play areas without specific permission. 

Food, Treats & Belongings

  • All food containers should be resealable and should be marked clearly with the dog’s name. It is not necessary to provide the dog’s food bowl.

  • Since food is often a big source of conflict between campers, we do not feed dogs over six months old (other than those with special needs) during the day. However, fresh water is constantly available.

  • Dogs with special needs can be fed per veterinarian’s instructions; please let us know if your dog needs to eat during the day.

  • Puppies are kept to their at-home schedules as much as possible. Please provide Country Canine with your puppy’s food.

  • Country Canine is not responsible for any personal items such as bedding, toys or leashes left while your pet is in our care.

Emergency Procedures

  • All Country Canine staff members are certified in canine first aid. We will use our best judgment to determine whether your dog needs emergency care or can be treated within our facility.

  • In the event of an emergency, your dog will be secured and taken to a safe place if necessary. You will be contacted by phone immediately if your dog has to be moved from the facility.

  • If the emergency is medical in nature, we will attempt to contact you prior to your dog being taken to a veterinarian. You will be responsible for all costs incurred on your pet’s behalf.

  • If the emergency is life threatening and you cannot be reached, emergency care will be sought for your pet. You will be responsible for all costs incurred on your pet’s behalf.